KINDLE PUBLISHING 101 – Cash in on Kindle!

KINDLE PUBLISHING 101 – Cash in on Kindle!

Are you tired of all the hype about making money online? Are you tired of all of the frustration and continuously hearing about some new method and how you will become instantly rich?

Unfortunately that’s the same story a lot of us online have experienced; empty promises that end up going nowhere.

What if we could show you a way to make money online that’s truly legitimate, a no-nonsense method that’s growing at an unprecedented rate with all signs indicating that it will be, now and into the future, for a long time to come?

We have a proven business model with one of the largest companies in the world, Amazon!

How would you like to tap into one of the Hottest Niche Markets on the Web?

According to top researchers, nearly $1 billion dollars worth of ebooks were sold last year and by the year 2015 that number is expected to grow to over $3 billion dollars…

Ebooks and Kindle are changing the face of the publishing industry as we know it.

Well we’ve done some extensive research and have developed a killer 10 step system for you that will reveal how you can make money online as a Kindle Publisher. We’ll show you a product that can generate non-stop Kindle Sales month after month on autopilot.

Let’s take a closer Look at the Kindle Publishing System and What You Will Be Learning…

Module 1: Learn the differences between traditional and self publishing…

Understand the difference between Traditional and Self-Publishing and the economic advantages or disadvantages of both methods.

Module 2: Learn about the Kindle Bookstore and what it is…

Learn how the Kindle Book Store works and an overview of how to publish your ebooks on the Kindle Bookstore.

Module 3: Learn how to understand your readers and what they expect…

Develop an understanding of the different reader groups, the importance of a reader oriented writing and how to write to specific reader groups.

Module 4: Learn if you should target a specific Niche Audience or use…

Learn the differences, advantages and disadvantages between targeting a mainstream audience and a specific interest niche.

Module 5: Learn about Kindle pricing Strategies…

Learn about customer expectations for ebooks, the costs associated with ebook publishing and how to price your ebooks to sell.

Module 6: Learn about Professional or Self-Editing methods and what is best…

Differences between professional editing and self editing and which is the best cost effective method for you

Module 7: Learn about the Importance of Creating Attention Grabbing e-covers…

Learn how your ebook e-cover can make or break your sales and how you can get professionally designed e-covers at very low cost.

Module 8: Learn about using Specific advertising Techniques to promote your Kindle ebook…

Learn about the advertising methods for Kindle ebooks and the differences for the various available methods.

Module 9: Learn Step by Step How to Publish your ebook on the KDI Network…

Understand the Kindle publishing steps and a step by step walk through of the Kindle publishing process.

Module 10: Final Recap and Summary, Bringing it all together…

A review of what you’ve learned and these will get you on your way to publishing your own profitable Kindle eBooks!

Yes, please sign me up for KINDLE PUBLISHING 101 – Cash in on Kindle!

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